Ed Wood (1994)
Fecha de estreno : 1994-09-27
Géneros : Comedia, Drama, Historia
Runtime : 124 Minutes
Home Page :
IMDb Page : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109707
Company : Touchstone Pictures
Reparto : Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette, Jeffrey Jones, G. D. Spradlin, Vincent D'Onofrio, Bill Murray, Mike Starr, Max Casella
Overview : Ed Wood es un joven director de cine, un visionario sin ninguna formación académica, aficionado a vestirse de mujer y con muy pocas oportunidades de hacer películas en un gran estudio. Sin embargo no ceja en su empeño de convertirse en un director famoso. Tras reunir a un curioso grupo de personajes, realiza películas de bajo presupuesto, excéntricas y no muy cuidadas técnicamente.
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Ed Wood Wikipedia ~ Early years Woods father Edward Sr worked for the Postal Service as a custodian and his family relocated numerous times around the United States Eventually they settled in Poughkeepsie New York where Ed Wood Jr was born in ng to Woods second wife Kathy OHara Woods mother Lillian would dress him in girls clothing when he was a child because she had always
Ed Wood 1994 IMDb ~ As one of the most overlooked films ever made Ed Wood does for Tim Burton what Malcolm X did for Spike Lee and JFK did for Oliver Stone it ruins any expectations one can have of Tim Burton because he has set a standard here that he will never achieve again
Ed Wood film Wikipedia ~ Ed Wood is a 1994 American biographical comedydrama film directed and produced by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp as the eponymous cult film concerns the period in Woods life when he made his bestknown films as well as his relationship with actor Bela Lugosi played by Martin Landau Sarah Jessica Parker Patricia Arquette Jeffrey Jones Lisa Marie and Bill Murray are
Ed Wood film Wikipedia ~ Ed Wood è un film di Tim Burton del 1994 ispirato alla vita e alle opere cinematografiche di Edward D Wood Jr definito “il peggior regista di tutti i tempi”Il ruolo del regista è interpretato da Johnny Depp Presentato in concorso al 48º Festival di Cannes il film liberamente ispirato dalla biografia Nightmare of Ecstasy di Rudolph Grey ha ricevuto due premi Oscar e numerosi
Ed Wood – Wikipedia ~ Edward Davies „Ed“ Wood jr 1924 in Poughkeepsie New York † 10 Dezember 1978 in Hollywood Kalifornien war ein USamerikanischer Filmregisseur schauspieler produzent Drehbuchautor und Trashfilme – darunter besonders Plan 9 aus dem Weltall – genießen Kultstatus
Ed Wood film — Wikipédia ~ Ed Wood est un film de Tim Burton sorti en sagit de la biographie du réalisateur Ed Wood considéré comme « le plus mauvais réalisateur de tous les temps » qui se concentre sur son amitié avec Béla Lugosi et sur les réalisations de Glen or Glenda La Fiancée du monstre et Plan 9 from Outer Space Johnny Depp interprète le rôletitre alors que Martin Landau incarne Lugosi
Ed Wood — Wikipédia ~ Edward Davis « Ed » Wood Junior est un réalisateur acteur producteur scénariste et monteur américain né le 10 octobre 1924 à Poughkeepsie dans lÉtat de New York et mort dune crise cardiaque le 10 décembre 1978 à Hollywood en Californie Dans les années 1950 Wood réalisa quelques films à petit budget aujourdhui connus pour leurs erreurs techniques leurs effets spéciaux
Ed Wood – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livre ~ Edward Davis Wood Jr Poughkeepsie 10 de outubro de 1924 — Los Angeles 10 de dezembro de 1978 foi um produtor e diretor estadunidense de filmes de terror ficção científica e eró trabalhos se destacaram pela inventividade frente aos limitados recursos técnicos e orçamentários dos quais dispunha
Edward D Wood Jr IMDb ~ Edward D Wood Jr Writer Plan 9 from Outer Space Hacks are nothing new in Hollywood Since the beginning of the film industry at the turn of the 20th century thousands of untalented people have come to Los Angeles from all over America and abroad to try to make it big as writers producers directors actors talent agents singers composers musicians artists etc but who end up
Edward D Wood Jr Wikipedia ~ Edward Davis Wood Jr Poughkeepsie 10 ottobre 1924 – Los Angeles 10 dicembre 1978 è stato un regista sceneggiatore produttore cinematografico attore e montatore statunitense È divenuto famoso per essere stato definito da diversi critici come il peggior regista di tutti i tempi
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